Sunday, March 17, 2013


A bit of everything today:

Some melancholy due to the Girl leaving for three weeks, but it's to record the next album with her group, so there's some pride in there as well.

A bit of shock and surprise as I realized that my aim for the OCG tour may have just fallen out of the sky onto my head.

And some intense gratitude as I'm working on travel arrangements for this project:  my proximity to the functioning of this tour, and being able to help, is already something to be thankful for.  But in addition to this, the fact that I've been getting peeks inside the factory, and have access to some of the higher workings of not just this but of a fair amount of "work" related goings-on. . . that's really something.  And that people let me in. . . funny to see what can come of knocking politely.

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